Redland tiles to complete Mell Homes director’s home

  • 19 Jul 2017

When building her own home, the director of Mell Homes, Natalie O’Conner chose the Fontenelle Interlocking Clay Plain Tile, supplied by Redland.

Pix: Shaun Flannery/shaunflanneryphotography.comCOPYRIGHT PICTURE>>SHAUN FLANNERY>01302-570814>>07778315553>>15th August 2016Redland4a Ashley Court, Finningley, Doncaster, South YorkshireFontenelle ClayNatalie required a flat, neat profile and the Fontenelle tiles met these requirements in addition to distinguishing the four bed detached house from other houses that Mell Homes has constructed.

All the company’s developments are within the region straddling the borders of South Yorkshire, North Nottinghamshire and North Lincolnshire, where it employs BC Tiling as its roofing contractor.Fontenelle is also a less expensive means of achieving a clay plain tile roof because being an interlocking tile means only 19.6 tiles are needed per square metre, compared to 60 for traditional clay plain tiles.

The Fontenelle tile is available in either Black, Red or Brindle and available in main tiles, Tile-and-a-Pix: Shaun Flannery/ COPYRIGHT PICTURE>>SHAUN FLANNERY>01302-570814>>07778315553>> 15th August 2016 Redland 4a Ashley Court, Finningley, Doncaster, South Yorkshire Fontenelle ClayHalves, Left Hand Verge Tiles and Left Hand Verge Tile-and-a-Halves.

The Tile-and-a-Halves are used in alternate courses with main tiles at right hand verges/abutments, while the Left Hand Verge Tiles and Left Hand Verge Tile-and-a-Halves are used in alternate courses at left hand verges/abutments. Tile-and-a-Halves are also used for raking cuts at hips and valleys.

Fontenelle clay plain tiles were tested in the Group wind tunnel where they were subjected to high wind and driving rain to test the tiles’ performance in terms of weathertightness. The tiles meet all the requirements of BS 5534: 2014 Code of Practice for Slating and Tiling if installed in accordance with Redland fixing recommendations.

Sussex Manor Business Park,
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United Kingdom,
RH10 9NZ

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