
Secondary Glazing is now an important element of many refurbishment or fit-out contracts. As the complexity and demands of these projects increases there is undoubtedly a need to work closely with a specialist. Early stage discussions will ensure a specification and delivery that meets all parties’ requirements.

Secondary Glazing involves the installation of purpose made internal windows and both the design and method of installation will be dependent on the performance requirements. These will include acoustic insulation, energy conservation and security.

Acoustic Insulation

Noise is a major environmental problem affecting Offices, Hotels, Schools and Libraries. Selectaglaze systems can typically reduce noise levels by 45dB, and up to 56dB with the appropriate glazing and air space, producing very acceptable ambient noise levels in the range 30dB-40dB.

Energy Conservation

Buildings account for 44% of the UK’s total carbon emissions and a refurbishment provides the ideal opportunity to improve insulation levels and, where relevant, the Energy Performance Certificate rating. Secondary glazing incorporating low E glass will reduce the U-value to less than 2.0.

Enhanced security

Windows are normally seen as ‘soft targets’ for intruders and, if subjected to a blast attack glass will shatter into a multitude of shards leading to personal injury and destruction of equipment and services. Critical government and commercial buildings are encouraged to improve protection levels and retrofitted secondary glazing can provide this without altering the windows. It is discrete, applied only to areas at risk, and being demountable is acceptable to heritage consultants.

Selectaglaze systems are accredited to the Secured by Design initiative promoted by ACPO and have been tested for attack resistance by the Loss Prevention Certification Board and for blast resistance at Advantica’s blast range. The products are extensively used by Government agencies and private clients.

RIBA Approved CPDs from Selectaglaze