Safeguard Europe

13 January 2021

Safeguard range beats damp double of mould and condensation

Safeguard Europe’s range of anti-condensation and mould-resistant treatments not only assist in condensation control, but also eradicating and preventing the associated growth of black mould.

Safeguard Europe
Saint-Gobain Weber
Saint-Gobain Weber

16 October 2019

How to clean mould in your bathroom: Saint-Gobain Weber

If black mould in your bathroom is a problem, the following is a guide from Saint-Gobain Weber that will walk you through how to get rid of it, and how to prevent it from returning.

Safeugard Europe

17 September 2019

Safeguard survey discovers it’s not-so-grim Up North

A poll of tenanted households, conducted by YouGov on behalf of Safeguard Europe, the UK’s leading specialist in damp-proofing and waterproofing technology, has revealed a new North-South divide. 


05 December 2018

Airtech helps landlords tackle mould and condensation

Airtech has developed a comprehensive service over the last 25 years to offer landlords solutions to overcome the problem of mould and help create healthy homes for residents.